Anal Fissure Surgery (Sphincterotomy)

Welcome to Surya Hospital & ICCU, where we prioritize exceptional healthcare services, specializing in Fissure Treatment in Navi Mumbai. Dr. Anil Deshpande, our esteemed expert, leads the field in providing optimal care for patients seeking relief from anal fissures through advanced surgical interventions.

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At Surya Hospital & ICCU, we prioritize comprehensive and compassionate care for fissure surgery in Navi Mumbai. Contact us for a personalized consultation with a Doctor for Anal Fissure in Navi Mumbai, ensuring your well-being throughout the surgical journey.

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A fissure is a minute tear or cut in the lining of the anus, commonly triggered by trauma during bowel movements. This condition leads to persistent pain and discomfort, significantly impacting the quality of life for affected individuals. At the Fissure Hospital in Navi Mumbai, under the guidance of Dr. Anil Deshpande, our dedicated medical team specializes in providing precise diagnosis and advanced surgical solutions to alleviate the distressing symptoms associated with anal fissures, ensuring optimal care for our patients.

The development of fissures is often attributed to factors such as constipation, hard stools, and underlying conditions like Crohn’s disease. These issues increase strain during bowel movements, creating conditions conducive to forming fissures. At the Fissure Hospital in Navi Mumbai, our expert medical team is led by a Fissure Specialist Doctor in Navi Mumbai, Dr. Anil Deshpande. He emphasizes a comprehensive understanding of these contributing factors to provide tailored treatment solutions, ensuring effective management and prevention of fissures.

The symptoms associated with fissures encompass sharp pain during bowel movements, bleeding, itching, and general discomfort. At the Fissure Hospital in Navi Mumbai, under the expert guidance of Dr. Anil Deshpande, our dedicated medical team specializes in addressing these distressing symptoms. By focusing on precise diagnosis and advanced Anal Fissure Surgery Treatment In Nerul, we aim to provide effective relief and comprehensive care for individuals experiencing the challenges posed by anal fissures.

Sphincterotomy is a surgical procedure specifically designed to alleviate pressure on the anal sphincter muscles, promoting the healing of anal fissures. This surgical intervention entails making a small incision in the anal sphincter, effectively reducing tension. By doing so, the procedure aims to facilitate the repair and recovery process for individuals suffering from anal fissures. At our Hospital, led by an excellent Fissure Doctor in Navi Mumbai, sphincterotomy is performed with precision and expertise to ensure optimal patient outcomes.

Sphincterotomy is recommended under specific circumstances when conservative treatments fail to provide relief and chronic fissures persist. At the Fissure Hospital in Navi Mumbai, led by Dr. Anil Deshpande, our experienced medical team meticulously assesses each case to determine the most appropriate course of action. If conservative measures, such as dietary changes, medications, and lifestyle modifications, do not alleviate the symptoms of chronic fissures, sphincterotomy becomes a viable and effective intervention.


This surgical procedure aims to promote healing by releasing pressure on the anal sphincter muscles, addressing the underlying cause of the fissures. The decision to recommend sphincterotomy is based on a thorough examination of the patient’s condition, considering factors such as the severity of symptoms, the persistence of fissures, and the individual’s overall health.


Dr. Anil Deshpande makes the recommendation for Painless Fissure Laser Treatment In Navi Mumbai when necessary, providing patients with a tailored and effective solution for lasting relief.

Sphincterotomy is a versatile intervention with various methods, each catering to specific patient needs. Led by our esteemed surgeon, Dr. Anil Deshpande, the skilled team at Surya Hospital & ICCU is proficient in employing these Anal Fissures Treatment & Surgery in Nerul, Navi Mumbai:

  • Lateral Sphincterotomy : Lateral sphincterotomy involves a lateral incision to relieve pressure on the sphincter muscles. This method particularly successfully promotes healing and reduces pain associated with chronic fissures.
  • Open Sphincterotomy : Open sphincterotomy employs a larger incision to provide relief from sphincter pressure. This method has demonstrated effectiveness in resolving chronic fissures, offering a proven means of promoting healing.
  • Closed Sphincterotomy : In cases where a less extensive procedure is sufficient, a closed sphincterotomy is employed. This more conservative approach utilizes a smaller incision, addressing the fissure condition while minimizing the extent of the surgery. Dr. Anil Deshpande ensures that the chosen method meets the patient’s needs.
  • Anal Advancement Flaps : This technique involves tissue flaps to cover fissures and facilitate the healing process. Dr. Anil Deshpande may recommend this method for complex cases requiring additional tissue support for optimal results.
  • Fissurectomy : It entails the removal of fissure tissue, offering a precise approach to address the underlying cause of fissures. This method aims to eliminate the affected tissue, promoting healing and preventing the recurrence of fissures.

Following a sphincterotomy, patients can expect relief from the pain and discomfort associated with anal fissures. While healing times may vary, most individuals can gradually resume regular activities with proper postoperative care. At Surya Hospital & ICCU, our skilled medical team, Dr. Anil Deshpande, prioritizes comprehensive postoperative guidance. It includes recommendations for pain management, hygiene practices, and follow-up appointments to monitor progress. By providing thorough support and clear instructions, we aim to ensure a smooth recovery process for our patients, promoting optimal healing and an improved quality of life. Our commitment to personalized care extends beyond the surgery, emphasizing the importance of ongoing support for individuals undergoing sphincterotomy procedures.

FAQ (Questions to Ask Your Surgeon)

Untreated fissures may lead to chronic pain, infections, and complications. Timely intervention through procedures like sphincterotomy from a Doctor for Fissure in Navi Mumbai is crucial to prevent further distress.

Preventive measures include maintaining a high-fiber diet, staying hydrated, and addressing bowel irregularities. Regular medical check-ups can identify early signs, allowing prompt intervention.

The Anal Fissure Surgery cost in Navi Mumbai may vary; consult our billing department for detailed information. Transparent communication ensures financial preparedness for the procedure.

Head department doctor

dr Anil deshpande

Dr. Anil Deshpande

Laparoscopic General Surgeon

Dr. Deshpande has been practicing in Navi Mumbai since 1995. He is the first few laparoscopic surgeons of India. He is the 1st in Navi Mumbai to start laparoscopic  general surgery in Navi Mumbai. He started Surya Hospital in Nerul, Navi Mumbai to provide the best in general surgery to the residents using his vast experience of 37 years.